I’m Looking for 100 New Writers to Follow

You don’t have to follow back

Noran Azmy
2 min readFeb 1, 2022

Like some writers on here, my journey to 100 followers has been painfully slow. Perhaps realizing this, Medium has been recommending to me a lot of follow-for-follow posts, with titles like “Get 100 followers in 24 hours”.

Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

If by some miracle you haven’t come across any of these posts before, the idea is simple. A new writer posts that they’re looking for followers, promising to follow back whoever follows them. Readers of the post follow the writer, then leave a response in the hope of getting followed by other readers. It’s an effective way to cheat a not-so-great system.

Publishing 16 stories on Medium, with four of those in large-ish publications, got me the 60 followers I have now.

I was struggling to find ways to push through to a hundred followers and secure my place in the partner program when I realized: I myself am only following about 60 writers.

So here’s my follow-for-follow call: I’m looking for new writers to follow. I want more variety in the content showing up in my feed, and I want to be supportive of new writers in order to earn the right to ask for support for myself.

If you’re looking for support, leave a comment with a short description of what you like to write about, and I’ll check your profile. The only rule is this: if I follow you, it means I like your content, so you should only follow me back if you like my content. There is no obligation. Your feed is yours, and you should get to decide what goes in it.



Noran Azmy

A software engineer who enjoys writing on a variety of topics, including personal development, productivity, learning, books, politics, and social issues.